In iRODS, metadata is stored as attribute-value-units triples (AVUs), consisting
of an attribute name, an attribute value and an optional unit.
This function allows to chain several operations ('add' or 'remove') linked to
specific AVUs. Read more about metadata by looking at the iCommands
equivalent imeta
in the iRODS Docs.
- logical_path
Path to the data object or collection (or name of the user).
- entity_type
Type of item to add metadata to or remove it from. Options are 'data_object', 'collection' and 'user'. Deprecated.
- operations
List of named lists or data.frame representing operations. The valid components of each of these lists or vectors are:
, with values 'add' or 'remove', depending on whether the AVU should be added to or removed from the metadata of the item (required).attribute
, with the name of the AVU (required).value
, with the value of the AVU (required).units
, with the unit of the AVU (optional).
- admin
Whether to grant admin rights. Defaults to
.- verbose
Whether information should be printed about the HTTP request and response. Defaults to
#> [1] TRUE
# demonstration server (requires Bash, Docker and Docker-compose)
# use_irods_demo()
# \dontshow{
.old_config_dir <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR")
Sys.setenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR" = tempdir())
# }
# connect project to server
create_irods("http://localhost:9001/irods-http-api/0.2.0", overwrite = TRUE)
# authentication
iauth("rods", "rods")
# some data
foo <- data.frame(x = c(1, 8, 9), y = c("x", "y", "z"))
# store
isaveRDS(foo, "foo.rds")
# check if file is stored
#> ==========
#> iRODS Zone
#> ==========
#> logical_path
#> /tempZone/home/rods/foo.rds
# add some metadata
operations =
list(operation = "add", attribute = "foo", value = "bar", units = "baz")
# `operations` can contain multiple tags supplied as a `data.frame`
operations = data.frame(
operation = c("add", "add"),
attribute = c("foo2", "foo3"),
value = c("bar2", "bar3"),
units = c("baz2", "baz3")
# or again as a list of lists
operations = list(
list(operation = "add", attribute = "foo4", value = "bar4", units = "baz4"),
list(operation = "add", attribute = "foo5", value = "bar5", units = "baz5")
# list of lists are useful as AVUs don't have to contain units
operations = list(
list(operation = "add", attribute = "foo6", value = "bar6"),
list(operation = "add", attribute = "foo7", value = "bar7", units = "baz7")
# check if file is stored with associated metadata
ils(metadata = TRUE)
#> ==========
#> iRODS Zone
#> ==========
#> logical_path attribute value units
#> /tempZone/home/rods/foo.rds foo bar baz
#> foo2 bar2
#> foo3 bar3
#> foo4 bar4
#> foo5 bar5
#> foo6 bar6
#> foo7 bar7
# delete object
irm("foo.rds", force = TRUE)
# \dontshow{
Sys.setenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR" = .old_config_dir)
# }